I need to share an e-resource link with a patron. Which URL should I use?


When you share a link with a patron, it is important to provide a stable link that is accessible to remote users. The best way to do that is by sharing a DUL catalog record, A-Z list entry, or journal link on the DUL website. 

Why is this important? Read more below.

Stable and well-maintained links

Content providers frequently make system updates or migrate to new platforms, which can cause URLs to change. Collections Services staff maintain linking metadata across DUL's catalog and discovery systems, ensuring that URLs are updated and issues are promptly fixed. 

Links that are accessible on and off campus

Most e-resources are accessible to remote users via EZproxy. A link must include the DUL proxy prefix to correctly authenticate remote users via EZproxy. E-resource links on the DUL website automatically include the proxy prefix, making it easy for patrons to access resources off-campus. 


The DUL website has the most reliable links for ebooks, databases, and journals. See examples below.

1. Copy the catalog record URL

 Harry Potter, the Amazing Quiz Book: https://find.library.duke.edu/catalog/DUKE010908202

Harry Potter, the Amazing Quiz Book catalog page


2. Copy the A-Z Database List search results URL

JSTOR: https://guides.library.duke.edu/az/databases?q=JSTOR


3. Click the "Permanent Link" icon for articles retrieved through Summon. 

Summon results Permanent Link icon


Check for a Permalink icon or Share button for resources discovered via provider platforms.

4. For ProQuest Central articles, click on "Copy URL."

ProQuest Central article click Copy URL

If you cannot find a Permalink option, check the URL to see if the proxy information is included. If it is, this link may work off-campus, but it is not always reliable. It is always recommended to save the citation information so the user can find the resource later. 

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  • Last Updated Jun 06, 2024
  • Views 76
  • Answered By Amelia Rodarte

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